Power Amplifiers EVM Testing Impairments Application Note
Among all power amplifier (PA) characteristics, EVM is usually most critical for Wi-Fi applications. This application note details several kinds of impairments that affect PA EVM testing.
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Among all power amplifier (PA) characteristics, EVM is usually most critical for Wi-Fi applications. This application note details several kinds of impairments that affect PA EVM testing.
802.11ax aims to optimize data throughput for wireless devices. This new Wi-Fi standard changes test…
802.11ax aims to optimize data throughput for wireless devices. This new Wi-Fi standard changes test scenarios, and presents unique challenges. This article covers common pitfalls of 802.11ax DVT that test developers should avoid.
Although sales are expected to reach close to 200 million units for 5G-enabled smartphones in 2020, the 5G era is still early, ambiguous, and challenging. As product companies embrace sub-6 GHz (FR1) and mmWave (FR2) technologies, they are preparing to launch the next round of 5G products. A key component to making the 5G era…
In Evaluation Engineering’s July issue, leaders in the Test & Measurement industry highlight the wide variety of RF spectrum covered by wireless technologies. See LitePoint’s contribution to the article, focused on the unique challenges of scaling 5G, Wi-Fi 6E, and UWB technologies.
By Brad Robbins The pandemic moved school and work to the home, with no consideration on how the increased connections would impact internet access. Communication over the internet has become more mission-critical to daily life and much richer as it becomes more about real-time communications. This article discusses the importance of latency as society moves…
IQxel-MW 7G is a fully integrated tester for Wi-Fi 6 in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands with a frequency range from 400 MHz to 7300 MHz.
This presentation from our May 2019 5G Seminar delves into the use cases and technologies of smart cars. We invite you to review other presentations from this seminar as well: 5G Seminar Keynote Wi-Fi 6 Updates & Looking to the Future Making High Performance 5G mmWave OTA Measurements 5G mmWave Sub-6 GHz Testing Challenge
This presentation from our May 2019 5G Seminar provides an overview of 5G mmWave sub-6 GHz testing and LitePoint test solutions. We invite you to review other presentations from this seminar as well: 5G Seminar Keynote Wi-Fi 6 Updates & Looking to the Future Making High Performance 5G mmWave OTA Measurements V2X: Vehicle to Everything